


For over 40 years Cobra Seats has been manufacturing exclusively in the United Kingdom. This has earned them a reputation that unites innovative technology, quality of design and functional elegance.

It is a reputation built on passion. In the 1960’s Len Dunsford was acknowledged as one of the country’s best vehicle trimmers. His work graced racing cockpits used by names like Moss, McQueen and Clark.

Nowadays modern heroes place their trust in the ability of Cobra to combine the highest safety standards with weight saving technology.

Cobra is to this day, still a family run company. Grandson Mark, Managing Director, shares his father’s and grandfather’s “hands on” passion for the art of building the finest seats.


For over 40 years Cobra has led the way in the design and manufacture of automotive seats.

Cobra has been at the forefront of technological developments that have helped raise the standard of safety in motorsport worldwide.

It consistently has to meet stringent FIA standards to ensure the thousands of drivers who rely on Cobra Seats have total peace of mind.

Cobra’s reputation for excellence is due, in no small part, to the consistently high standards of its engineering.

Equally renowned for innovation, a quality enabling Cobra to apply its principles to sectors as diverse as marine, aerospace and defence.


The very best machinery is nothing without the know-how to use it to its best advantage.

That’s why Cobra doesn’t simply supply engineering services – we provide engineering solutions.

Cobra has a thirst for knowledge and a development team that scours the globe for the latest technological developments.

It has resulted in Cobra using the most up-to-date 3D modelling software to achieve stunningly detailed tooling.

  • Pioneering techniques in Carbon Fibre SMC technology has led to some of the auto world’s most prestigious marques beating a path to Cobra’s door.
  • Inventing a suspension seat so revolutionary it made industry experts re-visit assumptions that have been a cornerstone of kinetic energy management.


Made in Great Britain